Hay Absolute
Balsamic Ambery > Coumarinic > Grassy

Crédits photo: ScenTree SAS
Latin name :
Lolium perenne
Botanical profile :
Hay, or English rey-grass, is a plant of the Poaceae family and the genus Lolium.
Geographic origin :
As hay can be found all over the world, the producers in quantity are France, Spain and North America
Chemotypes :
Several hay species are part of the genus Lolium. In contrast, only Lolium perenne is grown and extracted in perfumery.
Lolium multiflorum or Italian hay, botanically close to Lolium perennel.
Lolium rigidum, close to Italian hay.
Lolium persicum or Persian hay.
Lolium temulentum or darnel.
Lolium multiflorum or Italian hay, botanically close to Lolium perennel.
Lolium rigidum, close to Italian hay.
Lolium persicum or Persian hay.
Lolium temulentum or darnel.
Extraction process :
The plants that constitutes hay are deliberately planted for their growth and dried in the sun. Large areas of culture are needed as these plants are invasive. The cultivation of hay is made by vehicles like tractors or with a scythe, once the herbs are dried.
Hay absolute is obtained by macerating the hay in hexane in order to obtain a concrete of hay. After removing the plants from the extractor and evaporating the hexane, the concrete is collected and the hexane recycled. The concrete is diluted in alcohol and glazed at 32 °F. After evaporation of the solvent, the absolute is obtained.
Sometimes the hay absolute can be distilled to be bleached, without a great olfactory impact.
Hay absolute is obtained by macerating the hay in hexane in order to obtain a concrete of hay. After removing the plants from the extractor and evaporating the hexane, the concrete is collected and the hexane recycled. The concrete is diluted in alcohol and glazed at 32 °F. After evaporation of the solvent, the absolute is obtained.
Sometimes the hay absolute can be distilled to be bleached, without a great olfactory impact.
Major Components :
Coumarin (≈8%)
- Uses in perfumery :
- Used in luxury perfumery for chypre, fougere, amber, tobacco and for a long-lasting aromatic note.
- Other comments :
- Hay is a mixture of sun-dried plants : mainly sweet vernal grass, sweet-scented bedstraw and liatrix among others. The drying allows to evaporate the smell molecules of the most volatile plants and allows to keep the heavier molecules only.
The presence of liatrix in particular contributes to the high rate of coumarin of this absolute (about 15%). These characteristics of culture explain its good tenacity. - Volatility :
- Base
- Appearance :
- Viscous green liquid
- Stability :
- Solubility issues in perfumes
Stable oil in perfumes and in diverse functional bases - Price Range :
- €€€€€
- Aromatherapy :
Informations provided below are taken from reference works in aromatherapy. They are given for information purposes only and can not constitute medical information, nor engage the responsibility of ScenTree.
The consumption of hay extract can be recommended in case of colds and rhinitis.

Crédits photo: ScenTree SAS
- EINECS number :
- 90063-63-1
- FEMA number :
- Donnée indisponible.
- Allergens :
- Coumarin
- IFRA :
- This ingredient is not restricted
To learn more about IFRA's standards : https://ifrafragrance.org/safe-use/library
ScenTree is solely responsible for the information provided here.